Local authorities are required under Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit annual education and children and young people’s services budget and outturn statements for each financial year to the Secretary of State for Education.
These statements are published here and are intended to provide a clear picture of our planned and actual spending on education, children and young people’s services. These statements are also used by the Department for Education (DfE) for the publication of statistics, for constructing benchmarking tables for local authorities, and for answering parliamentary questions and other requests for data.
These statements are prepared to a common format prescribed by the DfE which allows members of the public, schools, local authorities, other government departments and indeed anyone interested, to have accurate financial information, be able to compare funding (and similar information) between different local authorities and have informed debate about budget levels and use of funds.
There are two sets of statements:
The Budget – prepared at the beginning of each financial year reports our planned spend on the Schools Budget (the DSG) and other spend on children and young people, which for most authorities is broadly equivalent to the budget for their Children and Young People’s department or similar.
The Outturn - prepared at the end of each financial year showing how much we actually spend on the Schools Budget (the DSG) and other spend on children and young people
The areas of planned and actual spend are broadly categorized under:
- the schools budget
- de-delegated items
- high needs budget
- early years’ budget
- central provision within the schools budget
- children and young people’s services
Copies of our statements are available:
- to every school maintained by us
- to those private, voluntary and independent providers (PVI Providers) funded by us to provide free early provision to two , three and four year olds
- to the general public
- on our website
If a school, PVI early education provider or any member of the public is not able to download any of these statements from our website and if requested, we will provide a hard copy (at no charge) of any requested statement.