Wembley High Road
Major improvements are planned for Wembley High Road. Starting on 13 January 2025, we will begin essential road reconstruction work on all sides of Wembley Triangle. Find more information.

Education, schools and learning

Find out about schools in Brent, how to apply for a school place, and other learning opportunities on offer
Teacher and pupil icon

Find out about

School admissions

Information on admissions criteria, catchment areas, how places were offered and more

Attendance and exclusions

Information on attending school and what happens if you don't send your child to school

Free school meals

Some children are entitled to free school meals. Find out how to apply

Travel to school and transport

Find out about travel to school options

Education and the Local Offer

Advice on how to apply for a school place if your child has a special educational need

School effectiveness

Information on standards, health and safety in schools, independent and supplementary schools

Becoming a school governor

School governors are one of the largest groups of volunteers in the country. Find out how to become a school governor

Complaints against a school

If you want to complain about a school you should raise it directly with the school concerned

The Virtual School

Improving the education and outcomes of Looked after Children (LAC) and Young Care Leavers (YCL)