A screening opinion allows applicants to find out whether a proposal requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before making a planning application.
Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
EIA screening and scoping opinions
2025 – 7-8 Watkin Road
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed demolition of the existing buildings and structures on site and construction of 3 blocks rising to 18 storeys in its centre, and comprising up to 360 student bedspaces and 900sq.m. of commercial floorspace, including a small number of disabled parking spaces, ~274 cycle parking spaces, ~610sq.m. of internal communal amenity spaces, and ~289sq.m. of external communal amenity spaces.
2024 – 1-8 Capitol Way Valley
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed development at 1-8 Capitol Way NW9 0EQ comprising demolition of existing warehouse building, and redevelopment to provide a 2 storey building of ~14,000sq.m. flexible B2/B8 industrial floorspace, plus additional ancillary Class E commercial and café floorspace combining to a total of 18,000sq.m. floorspace, with associated yard area, service ramp to first floor, and car and cycle parking.
2024 – Argenta House
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an EIA is required in respect of an application for the development of the former Argenta House site in Stonebridge to deliver 180 new residential units within one 30 storey tower in addition to the naturalisation of the brook.
2024 – Bridge Park
Request for Scoping Opinion on the development at Bridge Park comprising a hybrid application for a phased mixed-use development for the provision of 13 blocks of 3 to 34 storeys to include up to 872 residential units, assisted living, adult learning facility, affordable workspace, a hotel and community leisure centre.
2023 – Atlip Gardens
Request for Scoping Opinion on the development at Atlip Gardens comprising up to 460 residential units, up to 390 co-living units, up to 350 square meters (sqm) of flexible town centre uses and up to 500 sqm of community uses.
2023 – 1-22 Brook Avenue
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a proposed development of demolition of existing buildings and development of four buildings ranging from 6 to 15 storeys in height, and comprising 488 co-living units, 100 conventional dwellings, ground floor commercial and community uses, and associated ancillary facilities, car/cycle parking, and landscaping.
2023 – Wembley High Road (Phase 2)
Request for Scoping Opinion on the development at Wembley High Road for the construction of two interconnected buildings of up to approximately ground plus 21 and 19 storeys in height which will provide up to 650 new student accommodation units and associated indoor and outdoor amenity space.
2023 Neasden Goods Yard
The proposal is for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide 7 buildings ranging up to 50 storeys in height, and comprising: 1,200 residential dwellings; 550 student bedrooms; 12,000sq.m. light industrial/storage and distribution; 2,500sq.m. retail; community space; 3% disabled parking; and associated works. The site will be accessed via Neasden Lane.
2023 - Brent River Park
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an EIA is required in respect of an application for the development of parts of the Brent River Park adjacent the St. Raphael’s Estate in Stonebridge to deliver 195 new residential units across 6 blocks, including four towers ranging from 8-10 storeys, and two 3 storey blocks of terraced housing. The site is 4ha in size, and sited on the south eastern part of the park, and will in addition to residential, including a small 99sq.m. commercial unit, 2 service roads, 20 disabled parking bays, and associated landscaping including the provision of new play spaces in the park.
2022 - JVC North Circular Road
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed development to extend the existing JVC data centre to the east westward, incorporating 1.85ha of land at 717, 719, and 721 North Circular Road, and being delivered at 5 storeys.
2022 - College of North West London, Wembley park
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact
Assessment is required for the proposed demolition of the existing building and structures on site and construction of a mixed-use residential-led development comprising commercial/community uses at the ground floor podium, with residential blocks above, including towers up to 30 storeys (138.3m AOD) providing up to 500sq.m. of non-residential floorspace, and up to 310 residential dwellings. The existing college building will be replaced within close proximity along Olympic Way. The built form of the development will occupy the southern half of the site, whilst the northern half (north of the Wealdstone Brooke) will be reserved for landscaping, amenity, and biodiversity enhancements. The development will include a basement level for services, cycle and disabled car parking, but will otherwise be car-free. The site will be accessible via vehicle from Wembley Park Drive, and by foot from Olympic Way.
2022 - College of West London, Dollis Hill, Neasden
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an EIA is required in respect of an application for the proposed redevelopment including the demolition of existing buildings, and replacement with a residential-led development, comprising up to 1,550 new dwellings and 5,000sq.m. of flexible commercial/community floorspace, including buildings up to 28 storeys in height, spread across 4ha of land, in addition to landscaping works and ~50 parking spaces.
2022 - 370 High Road and 54-68 Dudden Hill Lane
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an EIA is required in respect of
an application for the proposed redevelopment of the below site including the demolition of existing buildings, and replacement with 7 mixed use blocks ranging from 3 to 11 storeys in height, and comprising residential (300 units), light industrial (1,932sq.m.), retail (2,003 sq.m.), and open Class E floorspace, and associated works including 41 parking spaces.
2022 - 1-4 & 9 Watkin Road
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed demolition of the existing building and structures on site and construction of two blocks: a northern block of 14 storeys and a southern block of 15, 17 and 20 storeys. At ground floor of the south block will be approximately 1544sqm of commercial Class E(g) floorspace. Above ground floor of the northern and southern block will be 613 student bed spaces (use class Sui Generis) including 6% wheelchair accessible units. All students will benefit from 239 sqm of communal amenity space at ground and first floor of the northern block and 681sqm of communal amenity space at first and third floor of the southern block. The development will be car free with disabled parking and cycle stores. Two dedicated refuse stores will be located at ground floor.
2022 - Wembley Edge
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed redevelopment of the site, to provide a development of up to 670 student accommodation units in blocks of up to 14 storeys in height and up to 4200 sqm of employment floorspace (Class E (g)(ii) and (iii)) at ground and first floor level. On the northern parcel of land, a block of 14 storeys (+88.5 AOD) is proposed, along with internal student amenity space. On the southern parcel, up to a maximum of +79.0 AOD is proposed. The student housing is expected to be car free and cycle stores will be provided.
2022 - 390-406 Wembley High Road
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a proposed development that involves the demolition of the existing buildings (two mixed use commercial buildings comprising Fairgate House and Pitman House) and construction of a single building ranging in height from 13-17 storeys. The single building is to provide up to 350 new student accommodation units, flexible ground floor employment and commercial space, and associated indoor and outdoor amenity space.
2021 - 421-423 Edgware Road
A proposed development involving the demolition of 421 and 423 Edgware Road, and their redevelopment to deliver up to 20 storeys comprising 270 residential units, with a convenience food store and commercial units at the ground floor, together with associated basement parking for up to 55 spaces.
2021 - Crone Court, Craik Court and Zangwill House, South Kilburn
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the development of Crone Court, Craik Court and Zangwill House, South Kilburn, NW6.
The development of the CCZ site comprises the redevelopment of the existing buildings to provide 252 homes (Use Class C3) in three new buildings, with approximately 334sqm GIA non-residential floorspace (Use Class E) and enhanced public realm. The proposed buildings are:
Block A – a perimeter block type building ranging from six to ten storeys in height will provide approximately 104 homes for affordable rent.
Block B – 16 storeys in height and will provide 85 homes for private sale with an element of Class E floorspace at ground level.
Block C – 12 storeys in height and will provide 63 homes for private sale with an element of Class E floorspace at ground level.
2021 - Bridgewater Road, Alperton, HA0 1AJ
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a proposed development of the demolition of all the existing buildings on site (a car showroom and a single storey row of industrial units) and the erection of three blocks comprising up to 173 residential dwellings and up to 2,288 sqm of commercial/light industrial floorspace.
The proposed maximum height of the buildings will be up to 19 storeys.
Up to ten disabled car parking spaces and cycle storage will be provided, and vehicular access will be via a one-way access road entering from the south-eastern corner of the site, off Bridgewater Road. Residential access to each building is taken from within the public realm created within the site.
2021 - Fulton Road, Euro House, Wembley
Request for a Scoping Opinion as to the inclusion of appropriate content within a forthcoming Environmental Impact Assessment.
This is for the redevelopment of the site, involving the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of a residential-led, mixed-use development comprising of 3 buildings arranged around 5 Blocks.
Proposals will include up to 800 residential units across the 5 Blocks, together with flexible commercial/light industrial uses which is likely to include retail, storage and/or leisure uses with associated amenity and plant spaces at ground/podium level.
The 5 Blocks range in height between ground floor plus 10 and 24 storeys (exclusive of plant).
- Site location (.pdf, 100.0kB)
- Fulton Road scoping request and draft report (.pdf, 5.99MB)
- Fulton Road scoping opinion and summary of responses (.pdf, 388.1kB)
2021 - 3 and 5 Olympic Way, Wembley
Request for Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the redevelopment of the existing office building (Olympic House) and car park at 3 Olympic Way, and extension of the existing hotel building at 5 Olympic Way to create a mixed-use residential, hotel and retail destination.
The proposal comprises the demolition of the existing Olympic House office building and redevelopment of the remainder of the 3 Olympic Way site to provide three towers of 11, 25 and 22 storeys, including podium level and a single basement level.
The 22 storey element will front Olympic Way and will be occupied by a new 3* hotel with 260 rooms.
The 25 storey tower will be located in the middle of the site and will be occupied by 138 market residential dwellings.
The 11 storey tower will front North End Road and be occupied by 41 affordable residential dwellings. New retail uses will be on ground floor level across the site and a hotel foyer for the new 3* hotel will provide active frontage to Olympic Way behind a new colonnade.
The existing hotel at 5 Olympic Way will be retained and extended upwards by 6 storeys to provide an additional 95 hotel rooms and new guest amenities.
The proposed development will be car-free but will include disabled parking (8 spaces) and cycle parking.