Wembley High Road
Major improvements are planned for Wembley High Road. Starting on 13 January 2025, we will begin essential road reconstruction work on all sides of Wembley Triangle. Find more information.
Planning policy and guidance
Find out about
Article 4 Directions
Article 4 Directions limit works that you can carry out without planning permission
Authority monitoring reports
An annual review of development in Brent and how policies in our Local Plan are being met
Brent Local Plan 2019-2041
The new Brent Local Plan adopted in February 2022 will guide development across Brent for the next 20 years
The Brownfield site register
A list of previously developed land that is considered suitable for residential development
Community infrastructure Levy (CIL) and section 106
A charge that is set on new developments in the area
EIA screening and scoping opinions
Find out whether a proposal requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before making a planning application
Flooding and flood risk
Find out the flood risk in your area, the possible source and who manages the risk
Neighbourhood planning
Find out how you can shape the development of your local area and what you need to do
Self-build and custom house building
A register for people or community groups who are interested in building their own home
Supplementary planning documents and guidance
These build upon and provide more detailed advice or guidance on policies in our adopted local plan