Applications are now open for Round 3
Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
Brent Together Towards Zero grant
Brent Together Towards Zero is a small grant fund which gives residents and organisations up to £5,000 towards one-off projects and initiatives to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. The aim is to support communities in improving their local areas by making them greener, cleaner and more environmentally friendly.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be over the age of 18 and the project must be based in Brent. To be eligible for funding, you must be one of the following:
- Resident
- Constituted community group
- Established tenant/ resident association
- Faith group
- Housing association
- Social enterprise
- Local business (for schemes which benefit the community)
Assessment Criteria
Your application will be assessed against the criteria below:
- support any of the objectives of the five themes within the council’s climate and ecological emergency strategy
- make Brent’s local environment greener and more biodiverse; or offer an opportunity for a measurable carbon saving in a community setting
- reach into the community, allowing as many local people, living in Brent, to participate or benefit as possible
- be clearly deliverable and leave a positive environmental impact
We strongly encourage applications for projects that would involve young people (from age 5-25); older people (65+); black, ethnic and minority backgrounds and those with mental or physical and mental disabilities.
What can you get funding for?
The funding will be for a one-off activity, ideally contributing to a project with a clear beginning and end. Please consider how the community will maintain and manage the lasting effects of the project once it has completed.
The following are examples of the types of schemes we will fund, but ideas are not limited to this list. Applicants are encouraged to think as creatively and innovatively as possible:
- Re-use and repair projects
- Local recycling / waste reduction initiatives
- Community gardens
- Environmental education programmes or resources
- Community environmental challenges
Please note: Together Towards Zero grant funding cannot be used for exclusively tree planting projects. For information on tree planting programmes, please visit the Council’s webpage on Trees and hedges.
Be inspired!
Find examples in The Together Towards Zero Showcase Book below of previously funded projects helping to tackle the climate emergency.
Read the text only version of the Together Towards Zero Showcase Book.
How much can you apply for?
- Up to £5,000 is available per project or initiative.
How to Apply
Before making an application for funding, please download and read the guidance notes for making an application.
There are also Together Towards Zero FAQs that answer some common queries.
More information
After you submit an application
Once you have submitted an application, you will be contacted by a member of our team about the supporting documents we will require from you in order to assess your grant application. Two of these documents are the Grant Funding Agreement and the Safeguarding and Data Protection Pack.
You will be expected to supply your supporting documents within 2 weeks of being contacted about your application.
If your project is successful in receiving funding, you will be required to monitor and share information about the project. You will be asked to submit evidence of how the project has been of benefit to the community. This may be in the form of:
- photos or video showing the project taking place with appropriate permissions
- receipts or invoices as proof of project expenditure
- a record of how many people benefited from the project
- a short description detailing the project outcomes, which may be put on the council website or other promotional material, with the photos and/or video.
How we use your personal data
The personal information you share with us will only be used within the council and our partners.
This information will be retained for a period up to 7 years and shall be processed in adherence to your legal rights, including but not limited to the right to withdraw consent, right to copies of your information and right to be forgotten.
If you are dissatisfied with the processing of your information, you can raise your concern with the council’s data protection officer. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Read Brent's privacy policy.