Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
Community funding and support
Current community grant and funding opportunities
Love Where You Live grant
Funding to help residents come together and deliver a local project that makes a difference
Brent Together Towards Zero grant
For one-off projects and initiatives which support plans to tackle climate change in Brent
Young Brent Foundation Funding
Funding opportunities to deliver activities and services, that meet the needs of the children and young people of Brent
Youth provision Capital grant
Funding to help fund structural changes and improvements to premises used by youth organisations
Family Hubs and Start for Life community grants
Funding to help deliver projects sharing key messages with Brent families and communities about the Family Hubs and Start for Life offer.
Other community funding opportunities
Search ‘Brent 4 Community’ to access hundreds of Government, Lottery, charitable trusts and other grants and funding streams