Wates Residential is funding the Community Chest as part of their commitment to give back, as they build 291 new homes on Wembley High Road, East of Cecil Avenue and Ujima House. This fund supports grassroots organisations, charities, and community groups in delivering impactful projects that address the needs of local residents in the Borough of Brent.
Community groups can apply for a minimum of £1,000 up to £10,000 to fund projects that align with one or more of our eight key priorities:
- Promoting health and well-being
- Addressing cost of living challenges
- Climate and environmental action
- Improving employment, training, and education
- Engaging young people in positive activities
- Reducing social isolation
- Enhancing community spaces and development
- Supporting sustainable community development
Who can apply?
Applications are accepted from Brent’s voluntary and community sector and Brent Schools. Eligible organisations include:
- Registered charities or charitable incorporated organisations
- Charitable companies or social enterprises
- Community interest companies (CICs)
- Businesses (not-for-profit and without share capital)
- Schools
Your organisation must be registered in Brent to apply and we encourage established organisations to collaborate with smaller grassroots organisations (Grassroots organisations are those established within 12 months of the application submission date).
Who cannot apply?
- Individuals
- Organisations not registered and/or delivering their services in Brent
- Organisations based outside of the UK
- Political aims, campaigns, and lobbying
- Services that promote religious interests and objectives
What we fund
- Projects that align with at least one of our 8 key priorities
- Initiatives that support one of the 5 Borough Plan Priorities Projects that directly benefit local residents in Brent
- Collaborative initiatives that foster inclusion and long-term impact
What we don’t fund
- Retrospective costs or projects already started
- General running costs, staffing, or overheads
- Political, religious, or for-profit activities
- Projects outside the borough
All successful projects must be completed by Wednesday 31 December 2025
How much can you apply for?
Minimum of £1000 up to £10,000
Support to help you apply
ActionFunder provide advice in the application process by contacting them for a 1-1 chat and they host monthly online drop ins.
Before you apply
Download the Community Chest Fund guidance notes for making an application.