Alperton was designated a Housing Zone by the Mayor of London in 2015 and is key Growth Area for the borough.
Brent’s draft Local Plan provides the regeneration framework for Alperton, with over 6,000 homes planned for the area, including a high proportion of affordable homes, and opportunity for co-location with industrial and employment sites.
With this ambitious regeneration programme, Alperton Growth Area will be transformed into a waterside residential neighbourhood with new homes and jobs. A range of infrastructure will be delivered to support this growth including new workspace, community facilities, improved public realm and open space, and better access to local and active forms of travel.
Infrastructure projects
Infrastructure necessary to support growth such as education, transport, affordable workspace, community facilities and open space was identified in the original masterplan, further assessed and secured as sites have come forward in planning, and most recently reviewed through the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (.pdf, 1.27MB), published in support of the draft Local Plan.
The IDP is a working document and will be updated as new information and evidence becomes available. The Council, its partners and other stakeholders will use the IDP to ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is provided to support the growth anticipated in the Local Plan.
Strategic CIL is collected from new developments and is used to deliver strategic infrastructure to support growth and mitigate the impacts of new development. New developments also fund the Neighbourhood CIL grant funding pot, through which local stakeholder groups can bid to deliver community projects.
You can find out more about the different schemes and projects proposed, under development and completed, below.