Following the introduction of trial measures to restrict through traffic from streets off Kingswood Avenue (October 2023), and in response to residents’ requests, the Council commissioned MP Smarter Travel (MPST) to work with the local community within the Queens Park area to establish the feasibility of a Healthy Neighbourhood scheme.
This engagement project has focused on understanding need and community feedback. It was not a formal consultation. Stakeholders within and outside the project area were invited to participate in the engagement activities.
The aim of the ‘Healthy Neighbourhood’ scheme is to reduce rush hour through traffic and congestion in the area and promote sustainable journeys within the project area. This ensures that the whole community can benefit from cleaner air and safer, quieter streets when walking and cycling. In particular, children will be safer walking and cycling to school.
After the engagement exercise is complete, similar projects on neighbouring areas will be considered as part of the Council’s future programme.
Current resident engagement activity
The second phase of engagement started on 25 October 2024 and concludes on 6 December 2024.
This phase of engagement aims to gather community views on option A, option B (see details below), and wider suggestions to shape MPST’s recommendations. This could involve amendments to option A or option B, the development of a further option based on feedback or the option of no change. Exemptions and operating times are also open for discussion.
If the Council were to take any recommendation forward, this would be subject to a wider impact assessment and the outcome of a formal consultation with the community before implementation on a trial basis with impact monitoring.