As your landlord we are responsible for carrying out regular fire safety checks in the communal areas of buildings. We will remove any items that are left in communal areas as they block exit routes in the event of an emergency evacuation.
You should familiarise yourself with the exit routes for your property, and whether the policy is to 'Stay Put' or 'Evacuate'.
If you live in a house, you should evacuate immediately.
If you live in a block, we advise you follow Stay Put Guidelines unless you are directly affected by heat, smoke or flames. The London Fire Brigade may deem it necessary to evacuate the block and will notify you if Stay Put guidance changes. If you or a member of your household would be unable to evacuate without help, you must contact your Housing Officer and notify them.
Fire doors
Fire doors are specifically made to reduce the spread of fire and toxic smoke within a building. They are just one of the ways we prevent the spread of fire in blocks of flats and maisonettes.
A ‘fire door’ is made up of the door, its frame and all the fittings like locks, handles, closers and hinges. All of these things are designed to resist the fire for at least 30 minutes.Fire doors are important to protect residents from the spread of fire and smoke. Fire doors are fitted in strategic points throughout your building and to flat entrances, to ensure that residents have the best level of protection in the event of a fire.
If the door has been damaged or altered in any way, it may not be able to stop fire and smoke from spreading and could put lives at risks.
If you have any concerns about fire safety in your home or block or want to report damage to your fire door, you can contact us:
Call: 020 8937 2400 or email:
Top tips:
- Never prop a fire door open
- Never tamper with fire the door closer
- Never alter fire doors e.g. changing handles or adding a letter box
This will compromise the fire resistance of the fire door and could lead to fire spreading.
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 made it a legal requirement from 23 January 2023 for all high-rise residential buildings in England to install wayfinding signage in their buildings. This includes clear markings identifying floor and individual flat numbers.
Fire Safety Information – vulnerable households
Our blocks operate a Stay Put policy which is based on guidance from the London Fire Brigade. This is because your home includes fire safety features that trap the fire and stop spread.
If in the unlikely event a fire did break out in your home, or you became affected by heat, smoke or flame then you should leave your home immediately, close your door to prevent spread and call 999. Remember closing your door is important. Every front door in a high rise block is a fire door and will withstand fires for a minimum of 30 minutes giving the fire brigade time to respond.
Each high-rise block also has a fire safety box installed; this box includes information for firefighters to use in the event of a fire. As a precaution, we include a list of any homes where there is someone who could not evacuate the building without assistance. Our housing officers are currently contacting you to update this list.
Contact us to update your details
- Email: and title your email ‘Fire safety information’
- Call: 020 8937 1234 to speak to the duty housing officer.