Council Tax and Benefits portal
We are aware of some issues with our Council Tax and Benefits portals within My Account. You may find that you can not access your account information or submit forms. We are working with the vendor to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Further updates will follow. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Alcohol, club and entertainment licences

Find more information on how to apply, amend or cancel a licence 

Premises licence 

Apply for a premises licence to sell alcohol, late night hot food and drink or public entertainment

Personal licence to sell alcohol

You must hold a personal licence if you sell alcohol from licensed premises

Temporary Event Notification

Apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if you want to carry out a ‘licensable activity’ on unlicensed premises

Club premises

You may need to apply for a club premises certificate if you’re a social, sporting or political members club

Sex establishment licence

You need a licence to run a sexual entertainment establishment, such as a sex shop, a sex cinema or a sexual entertainment venue

Gambling and lottery licences

Find more information on how to apply, change or pay for gambling, gaming and lottery licences