Free recruitment support
- Brent Works is a free recruitment service to help you match the right person to the right job. If you are an employer looking to find out how we can help you recruit in Brent contact one of our specialist team members for an informal chat on 0208 937 6295.
Human Resources
- Human resources and EU exit fact sheet - find out what support you should think about if you employ staff who are EU, EEA and Swiss citizens.
- HMRC have developed a free online tool to support businesses with the process for registering a new employee.
- - when your business grows you may need to start employing staff for the first time. You will need to consider how much you will pay, get employment insurance and register with the tax office. The government has provided a simple checklist which is useful for anyone recruiting somebody for the first time.
Support for your staff
- Talking therapies service Brent - free support to people who are experiencing feelings of sadness, low motivation or energy, sleep difficulties, worry and stress or feelings of panic.
- Help with Childcare costs