The purpose of this privacy notice is to tell you what personal information the council’s referral teams collects from you, how it is used, who it may be shared with and what happens to it in relation to the Channel Programme.
What information we might collect from you and why
Your information is collected to process a referral to enable intervention and support via a multi-agency Channel Panel. Brent Local Authority chairs this Panel. Support extended by the Chanel Panel is required to fulfil the council’s duties under the following legislation and related obligations.
Legislation | Context |
Counter – Terrorism and Security Act 2015 | For the purposes of preventing acts of terrorism. |
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 | For the purposes of reducing crime and disorder. |
The lawful basis for using your information
The lawful basis conditions under GDPR will be Article 6 (c) legal obligation and (e) public task, therefore (a) consent is not required. Furthermore, where we are processing special category data, this will be under GDPR Article 9 (h).
The special categories of personal data that will be processed include, criminal data, health data (including mental health), financial data (mainly benefits), contact data and family data.
Who we share your information with and why
Your information may be shared with relevant teams within Brent Council, Brent Metropolitan Police, SO15 Counter – Terrorism Command, London National Probation Service, London Community Rehabilitation Company, Department for Working Pension, National Health Services, G.P’s, Home Office Intervention Providers, Homeland Security – Home Office, relevant schools and or higher and further educational establishments.
We share this information for the purposes of preventing crime and activating safeguarding support. This includes information relating to health (including mental health), housing, financial data (mainly benefits), educational data, contact data and on occasion, wider family data. Information sharing supports the appropriate processing of Channel referrals, to ensure the right interventions are in place and provide holistic support. Information will be retained for 6 years.
Who we collect information from
Once your information has been collected by the council, it may be used by other council departments, where necessary, to provide a complete service to you. It is for this reason that we do link your information together, for example, to save you providing your information more than once.
Your information shall be processed in accordance with the GDPR guidelines, ARTICLE 5(1) - it will not be retained longer than necessary in relation to the purpose for which such data is processed. When removed from the Channel Programme, a case will be marked as closed on Brent Council Channel case management systems.
If you fail to provide the personal data, agencies will not be able to provide the support and intervention required to assist with positive lifestyle changes.
Consenting to support offered by the Channel Panel is voluntary, however, the council is legally obliged to offer individuals support through this panel.
Brent Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. We may use any of the information you provide to us for the prevention and detection of crime. We may also share this information with other bodies that are responsible for auditing or administering public funds including the Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd, National Audit Office, Financial Reporting Council, Cabinet Office, Home Office, the Department for Work and Pensions, other local authorities, HM Revenue and Customs, all branches of the Metropolitan Police, including the Counter –Terrorism Command.
In addition to undertaking our own data matching to identify errors and potential frauds we are required to take part in national data matching exercises undertaken by the National Fraud Initiative. The use of data by the National Fraud Initiative in a data matching exercise is carried out under its powers in Part 2A of the Audit Commission Act 1998. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned.
Concerns about data protection
If you are dissatisfied with the processing of your information, you can raise your concern with the council’s data protection officer on Further information can be found in the council’s privacy page. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.