Brent’s Building Control Team can provide you with expert guidance on building regulations compliance, whether your project is small or large, residential or commercial, an alteration, extension or new-build development, we can help bring your project to a successful conclusion.
What we offer
- Prompt and efficient plan / structural checking and site inspection service (generally you can start work within two working days of making your submission)
- Comprehensive naming and numbering services
- Completion certificates confirming compliance with building regulations
- Quality of service under ISO9001 and Investors in People
We have access to:
- Locally based surveyors and structural engineers
- Major projects team with extensive experience dealing with major developments
- District team dealing with the full range of residential
- Partner Authority Scheme working in conjunction with other local authority building control services
- Fire Service, Water Authority and colleagues in Planning and Licensing
How to register
Our registration process is straightforward and applications can be made online or even over the phone.
Competitive charges are fully inclusive which provides excellent value for money.
Your project or development is likely to be one of your largest investments. We will work with you throughout the process and your journey will be smooth, successful and cost effective. Remember, we're here to help!