Travelling by foot or by bike is one way for people to incorporate physical activity into their everyday routine. It is also better for the environment – polluting cars and other vehicles contribute to poor local air quality. We want to encourage residents and those visiting our borough into healthier habits.
We are introducing lots of measures to encourage more people to walk and cycle; as well as to help achieve our ambitions for improving road safety, air quality and the health of our residents in the longer-term. This is why we have created the Brent Active Travel Implementation Plan.
The Brent Active Travel Implementation Plan 2024 - 2029 outlines the measures and interventions that the Council and its partners are committed to delivering over the next five years with the overarching aim of improving conditions for active travel in the borough and to enable more people to walk, wheel or cycle.
The plan responds to the challenges that our residents have told us they face that prevent many from travelling by active modes, including a lack of suitable pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, the volume and speed of traffic, and personal security concerns – especially amongst women and young people.
Our aim is to create conditions where walking, wheeling and cycling become a viable choice for more people in Brent, in turn helping to ensure a safer, greener borough where people are healthier and can access a wide range of opportunities easily.
The plan sits alongside the Brent Long Term Transport Strategy (LTTS) and supersedes the Brent Cycling Strategy 2016 and the Brent Walking Strategy 2017.