Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
PSPOs in Brent
Use our map to see which PSPO's are in place across Brent. You can use the links below to find out what restrictions are in place for each area.
Public Spaces Protection Orders in Brent
Boroughwide PSPO restrictions (1 - 9)
1. Consumption of alcohol
Any person(s) who intend(s) to, is or has been consuming alcohol, without reasonable excuse. This person must:
- cease the consumption of alcohol immediately
- surrender any alcohol that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be, alcohol or a container for alcohol (this includes any sealed containers).
A reasonable excuse includes:
- an area adjoining a premises which is licensed to supply and permit the consumption of alcohol
- another licensed area where alcohol consumption is permitted.
2. Use of illegal drugs or psychoactive substances
Any person(s) preparing to use or using illegal drugs or psychoactive substances. This person must:
- cease use immediately
- surrender any of the drug or psychoactive substance including any paraphernalia used for the use of such drug or psychoactive substance.
Failure of which is a further breach.
Exemptions: A person in possession of a psychoactive substance who may have a lawful reason for possession, will not be subject to this prohibition.
3. Littering (urination or defecation)
Any person(s) urinating or defecating in a place other than a serviced public convenience.
4. Littering (spitting)
Any person(s) who spit(s).
5. Littering (bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.)
Any person(s) who abandon(s) (leaves behind) bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.) other than in an appropriate receptacle (bin).
6. Dog fouling
Any person(s) responsible for a dog at the time, who fails to pick up their dog mess (faeces) immediately and dispose of it in an appropriate receptacle (public bin or taken away with them).
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced against any person with a disability that affects their mobility, manual dexterity, physical coordination, ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects, and those persons who are in charge of an assistance dog trained by a relevant charity.
Within town centres and within 500 metres of transport hubs (including rail and tube stations), the following are prohibited:
7. Illegal trading (food or other items in the street)
Any person(s)* who street trade(s), which includes the buying and/or selling of any item(s) or services (whether for financial gain or reward) without the written consent from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. Any person(s) are required to:
- surrender any items that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be associated with the breach including bags or other vessels used to carry items. For the purposes of this prohibition, ‘surrender’ means items will not be returned.
8. Use of megaphone or microphone with speaker
Any person(s)* that use a microphone, megaphone or amplified equipment with a speaker without the written authorisation from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. The following are exempt from land owned by the London Borough of Brent:
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced on land owned by the London Borough of Brent for political campaigning and/or demonstrations.
9. Aggressive begging
Any person who aggressively begs for food, money or other items. This includes:
- begging with an intent to intimidate which may include repeated requests
- approaching or following a person whilst making a request
- continuing to make requests when a negative response has been given
- begging with use of false or misleading information
- involving activities that are unsafe or dangerous to any person or property
- attempting to provide or deliver unrequested or unsolicited services or products with a demand or pressure for money.
Wembley Park PSPO restrictions (1 - 18)
1. Consumption of alcohol
Any person(s) who intend(s) to, is or has been consuming alcohol, without reasonable excuse. This person must:
- cease the consumption of alcohol immediately
- surrender any alcohol that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be, alcohol or a container for alcohol (this includes any sealed containers).
A reasonable excuse includes:
- an area adjoining a premises which is licensed to supply and permit the consumption of alcohol
- another licensed area where alcohol consumption is permitted.
2. Use of illegal drugs or psychoactive substances
Any person(s) preparing to use or using illegal drugs or psychoactive substances. This person must:
- cease use immediately
- surrender any of the drug or psychoactive substance including any paraphernalia used for the use of such drug or psychoactive substance.
Failure of which is a further breach.
Exemptions: A person in possession of a psychoactive substance who may have a lawful reason for possession, will not be subject to this prohibition.
3. Littering (urination or defecation)
Any person(s) urinating or defecating in a place other than a serviced public convenience.
4. Littering (spitting)
Any person(s) who spit(s).
5. Littering (bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.)
Any person(s) who abandon(s) (leaves behind) bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.) other than in an appropriate receptacle (bin).
6. Dog fouling
Any person(s) responsible for a dog at the time, who fails to pick up their dog mess (faeces) immediately and dispose of it in an appropriate receptacle (public bin or taken away with them).
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced against any person with a disability that affects their mobility, manual dexterity, physical coordination, ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects, and those persons who are in charge of an assistance dog trained by a relevant charity.
Within town centres and within 500 metres of transport hubs (including rail and tube stations), the following are prohibited:
7. Illegal trading (food or other items in the street)
Any person(s)* who street trade(s), which includes the buying and/or selling of any item(s) or services (whether for financial gain or reward) without the written consent from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. Any person(s) are required to:
- surrender any items that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be associated with the breach including bags or other vessels used to carry items. For the purposes of this prohibition, ‘surrender’ means items will not be returned.
8. Use of megaphone or microphone with speaker
Any person(s)* that use a microphone, megaphone or amplified equipment with a speaker without the written authorisation from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. The following are exempt from land owned by the London Borough of Brent:
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced on land owned by the London Borough of Brent for political campaigning and/or demonstrations.
9. Aggressive begging
Any person who aggressively begs for food, money or other items. This includes:
- begging with an intent to intimidate which may include repeated requests
- approaching or following a person whilst making a request
- continuing to make requests when a negative response has been given
- begging with use of false or misleading information
- involving activities that are unsafe or dangerous to any person or property
- attempting to provide or deliver unrequested or unsolicited services or products with a demand or pressure for money.
In addition to Borough-wide PSPO prohibitions 1-9 listed above, the following activities are not allowed in this area:
10. Illegal trading of merchandise
Any persn(s)* who offer(s) to buy and/or sell any merchandise (whether for financial gain or reward) without the written consent from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. Any person(s) are required to:
- surrender any items that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be associated with the breach including bags or other vessels used to carry items. For the purposes of this prohibition, 'surrender' means items will not be returned.
11. Illegal trading of tickets (ticket touting)
Any person(s)* who offer(s) to buy and/or sell tickets (whether for financial gain or reward) without the written consent from the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. Any person(s) are required to:
- surrender any items that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be associated with the breach including bags or other vessels used to carry items.
12. Distribution of free literature
Any person(s)* who distribute(s) free literature, which includes leaflets, the giveaway of free items/samples etc. without written consent of the landowner and or the London Borough of Brent. The following are exempt from land owned by the London Borough of Brent:
- Political, charitable and religious purposes which must be complied with in line with prohibition 17.
13. Charity collectors
Any person(s)* who undertake(s) Charity Collections without the written consent from the London Borough of Brent.
14. Busking without consent
Any person(s)* who undertake(s) busking without the written consent of the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent. This is to eliminate any risk of disturbance or nuisance to any other parties. For e.g. by blocking footpaths or causing excessive noise.
15. Ambush marketing (including fly posting)
Any person(s)* who advertise(s), affixes or distributes any promotional adverts, offers or items (including but not limited to street furniture, stands, stalls, banners, posters or stationary vehicles).
16. Pyrotechnics (including fireworks, flares or smoke emitters)
Any person(s) who let(s) off or handles fireworks, including flares and smoke emitters without the written consent of the landowner and/or the London Borough of Brent.
17. Obstruction of the public highway, preventing the free flow of person’s movement
Any person(s) who upon being requested to move by an authorised officer, continues to obstruct the highway, preventing the free flow of person’s movement.
18. Flying of drones
Any person(s)* who fly/flies a drone without the written consent of the landowner and/or London Borough of Brent, whether licensed or not.
Parks, open spaces, cemeteries and graveyard PSPO restrictions (1-6 and 19-31)
1. Consumption of alcohol
Any person(s) who intend(s) to, is or has been consuming alcohol, without reasonable excuse. This person must:
- cease the consumption of alcohol immediately
- surrender any alcohol that the authorised officer reasonably believes to be, alcohol or a container for alcohol (this includes any sealed containers).
A reasonable excuse includes:
- an area adjoining a premises which is licensed to supply and permit the consumption of alcohol
- another licensed area where alcohol consumption is permitted.
2. Use of illegal drugs or psychoactive substances
Any person(s) preparing to use or using illegal drugs or psychoactive substances. This person must:
- cease use immediately
- surrender any of the drug or psychoactive substance including any paraphernalia used for the use of such drug or psychoactive substance.
Failure of which is a further breach.
Exemptions: A person in possession of a psychoactive substance who may have a lawful reason for possession, will not be subject to this prohibition.
3. Littering (urination or defecation)
Any person(s) urinating or defecating in a place other than a serviced public convenience.
4. Littering (spitting)
Any person(s) who spit(s).
5. Littering (bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.)
Any person(s) who abandon(s) (leaves behind) bottles, cans, packets, food, paper, chewing gum, cigarette butts etc.) other than in an appropriate receptacle (bin).
6. Dog fouling
Any person(s) responsible for a dog at the time, who fails to pick up their dog mess (faeces) immediately and dispose of it in an appropriate receptacle (public bin or taken away with them).
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced against any person with a disability that affects their mobility, manual dexterity, physical coordination, ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects, and those persons who are in charge of an assistance dog trained by a relevant charity.
In addition to Borough-wide PSPO prohibitions 1-6 listed above, the following activities are not allowed in this area:
19. Unauthorised use of motor vehicles (including e-scooters and e-bicycles)
Use of a motor vehicle (such as vans, cars, motorbikes, mopeds and e-scooters) without the written consent of the landowner or Brent Council. This does not include;
Consent for vehicles, for use of ‘car parks’ in parks and open spaces is implied. A vehicle that enters a car park and causes a public nuisance is in breach.
a. Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPC) (which are not classified as a motor vehicle). In order to meet the criteria of an EAPC, ALL of the following conditions must apply:
- cycle must be fitted with pedals that are capable of propelling it.
- maximum continuous rated power of the electric motor must not exceed 250 Watts.
- electrical assistance must cut-off when the vehicle reaches 15.5 mph
- must have front and rear illumination
20. Use of permitted vehicles without due care and attention
Use of permitted vehicles, electronically assisted or otherwise (such as pedal cycles, push scooters and Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPC)) without due care and attention.
21. Loss of control of dogs
Any person(s) responsible for a dog;
a. where the dog is not reasonably within eyesight of the responsible person(s)
and/or where a dog does not respond to being beckoned (recalled) by the owner
b. who fails to follow instructions by an authorised officer to put a dog on a lead.
22. Dogs that are prohibited from specific areas
Any person(s) responsible for a dog must not enter specific areas such as multi-use games areas (MUGA), playgrounds, tennis courts and any other areas where a notice specifies that dogs are prohibited.
Exemptions: This prohibition is not to be enforced against any person who is in charge of an assistance dog trained by a relevant charity.
23. Letting a dog off a lead in a specified area
Dogs must be kept on a lead in areas such as walled gardens, graveyards, cemeteries and areas where a notice specifies that dogs must be on a lead. The dog must be on a lead prior to entering the area.
24. More than four dogs being walked at the same time
Any person who walks more than four dogs at any time.
25. Flying drones and model aircrafts
Any person(s) who fly/flies a drone or any other form of model aircraft without the written consent of the landowner and/or London Borough of Brent
26. The lighting of fires or use of barbeques
Any person(s) who light(s) a fire or uses a barbeque.
27. The use of fireworks
Any person(s) who use(s) fireworks without the written consent of the landowner and/or London Borough of Brent.
28. Defacing or damaging fixtures, furniture or other items
Any person(s) who deface(s) or damages fixtures, furniture or other items (such as trees, bushes and plants).
29. Launching of sky lanterns
Any person(s) who launch(es) sky lanterns that ‘rely on an open flame to heat the air inside the lantern’.
30. Feeding wild animals including birds, foxes, rats, etc.
Any person(s) who feed(s) wild animals including birds, foxes, rats, etc. This includes the laying down of food for wild animals even if they are not present at the time of the food being laid.
31. Unauthorised event or activity
Any person(s)* who use(s) any area in an open space for an event/activity where it:
- requires booking (such as sports pitches or organised gatherings) and/or
- interferes with others' use of the open space or its car park and/or
- where there is a financial gain (a business or trade)
The event or activity may include:
- an activity carried out by an individual or group or
- unauthorised sporting activity that creates a public nuisance or
- a gathering that creates a public nuisance
*This includes any person(s) acting on behalf of a business and the business owner.
Nuisance vehicles
Nuisance vehicle prohibitions
- Revving of Engine(s) or use of horns as to cause a public nuisance.
- Repeated sudden and rapid acceleration (as a public nuisance)
- Racing
- Performing stunts (as to cause a public nuisance)
- Without lawful authority or reasonable excuse wilfully causing obstruction on a public highway, whether moving or stationary, including driving in a convoy.
- Any vehicle driving over Footways, Footpaths and Verges without reasonable or lawful excuse.
The behaviours identified for the proposed PSPO include street racing, driving in a dangerous way which not only causes excessive noise nuisance for people living and working in the London Borough of Brent but has resulted in a number of accidents and fatalities in the last few years.
Other related nuisances within the scope of this proposal include vehicles driving in convoys with no legal justification, vehicles causing obstruction on a public highway and driving over footpaths. This results in damage to the Councils infrastructure and endangers the safety of pedestrians and other motorists.