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Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
Get help or support from domestic or sexual abuse
If you are unable to talk, press 55. If you don't speak or answer questions, press 55 when prompted and your call will be transferred to the police.
Non- emergency call 101.
24-hour National Domestic Abuse helpline
If you are experiencing domestic violence and would like to talk about it, or would like help with finding somewhere safe to stay.
Chatbot is available for those who prefer to communicate online and appointments using a BSL interpreter can be scheduled.
Contact National Domestic Abuse helpline
Other local and national support organisations
Several local and national agencies can offer support if you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse:
Advance is an independent, client-led charity for all of those living in Brent who have experienced domestic abuse (male and female, including teenagers) and their children.
Mondays and Tuesdays: 10am to 6pm and Wednesday to Fridays: 10am to 9pm
Phone: 07398454898
Email: brent.admin@advancecharity.org.uk
One stop shop for male and female survivors to access specialist legal, housing and benefits advice around domestic abuse and VAWG.
Every Tuesday 9:30 - 12:30
Phone: 07398454898
Email: brent.admin@advancecharity.org.uk
London Victim & Witness Service
Support for male and female victims/survivors and their children.
24 hours, 7 days a week
Phone: 08081689291
Women’s Aid Live Chat
If it’s unsafe or you’re unable to speak on the phone
My Support Space
A free online resource designed by the independent charity Victim Support to help manage the impact of crime through the use of interactive guides.
Forced Marriage Unit
Information on how to protect, advise and support victims of forced marriage.
Phone: 020 7708 0151
Support for women and girls affected by any form of violence including FGM and other Harmful Practices.
Phone: 07834168141
Rights of Women
Free, confidential legal advice.
Phone: 02072516577
Brent Domestic Abuse Housing Team
02089372000 (option 3) or via My Account
Black, Asian and Minority ethnic specific
The Asian Women’s Resource Centre
Support for women experiencing domestic abuse, including women with no recourse to public funds
Phone: 0208 961 5701
PLIAS Resettlement
Support for Black, Asian and minority ethnic women experiencing violence and harmful practices
Phone: 0208 838 6800 / 07494 091586
Refuge Eastern European Advocacy Service
Culturally-specific support to Eastern European women experiencing gender based violence
Phone: 07725 245777
Email: easterneuropeanidva@refuge.org.uk
Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (IKWRO)
Phone: 0207 920 6460
The Sharan Project
Support for South Asian Women
Phone: 08445 043231
121 Counselling, refuges, floating support and life therapies for women and families affected by abuse.
Phone: 0208 961 8623
Rape and sexual violence
West London Rape Crisis
For women who have experienced any kind of sexual violence, recent or historic
Phone: 0808 801 0770
Find a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
Women and Girls Network’s Sexual Violence Helpline
Offers free and confidential emotional support for anyone in London who self identifies as a woman (aged 14+) and has been effected by any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives.
0808 801 0770, Monday to Friday 10am-12.30pm and 2pm-4pm and Wednesday evenings 6pm-9pm.
Our Independent Sexual Violence Advocates work alongside women to provide one to one emotional and practical support; this includes support and advocacy navigating the criminal justice system.
Phone: 0800 160 1036
Email: rapecrisis@niaendingviolence.org.uk
Male perpetrators and Male victims
Rise Mutual
Domestic Abuse Perpetrator programmes and integrated victim support service
Phone: 07495 099694
Email: info@risemutual.org
Support for male perpetrators and victims of domestic violence
Men's Advice Line
Advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse
Phone: 0808 801 0327
GALOP LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
Emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse
Phone: 0207 704 2040 or 0800 999 5428
Age related
0800 1111
Hourglass Helpline
Support around elder abuse
Phone: 0808 808 8141
Stalking and harassment
Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service
A Stalking and Harassment charity
Phone: 020 3866 4107
Suzy Lamplugh Trust
National Stalking Helpline
Phone: 0808 802 0300
Women and Girls Network
Counselling, advocacy and advice for women and girls
Phone: 0808 801 0660
Live Webchat
Support for deaf victims/survivors of abuse
Phone: 0203 947 2601
Email: da@signhealth.org.uk
Text/WhatsApp/Facetime: 07970 350366
Support for people with learning disabilities and autism
Phone: 0207 383 0700