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Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle, to allow for essential repairs. They are expected to finish around mid-May 2025. Only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. Find more information.
Traffic signs and CCTV enforcement are in place. Vehicles will be fined each time they enter the restricted area.
Domestic abuse and housing options
The Domestic Abuse (DA) Housing Service at Brent Council is a specialist service which provides tailored housing advice and support to anyone at risk of or experiencing DA.
Following a housing assessment we can:
- help you remain in your home with the Sanctuary scheme
- assist you with legal options, such as a non molestation order or occupation order
- provide advice and refer you to specialist advocates
- provide access to a refuge (a safe house for those escaping violence) or emergency accommodation
- assist you with settled future accommodation
Before you apply
You must state that there is an element of domestic abuse in the application for it to be referred to the DA team. You will also need:
- email address
- National Insurance Number
Some people may have No recourse to public funds. This means you will not be able to claim most benefits or receive housing assistance. There is limited support available from the council if you are not eligible.
How to apply
You will need to first apply for a housing needs assessment via My Account.
If you are experiencing difficulties completing the form online or have any enquiries, please contact the Housing Options phone duty team on 020 8937 2000 – selecting option 3.
For out of hours please call 020 8937 1234.
More information on your options
Fleeing abuse
If you need to leave or have left your current accommodation due to domestic abuse the Council will be able to provide you with advice and support.
If you are fleeing or have fled abuse:
- you will be seen by an officer of the same gender and we can arrange interpreters
- you are under no obligation to report any incident to the police if you seek help from the Council
- you will not be considered ‘intentionally homeless’ by the Council
Emergency accommodation
The Council may be able to provide emergency accommodation after considering your circumstances and the support that you currently have (e.g. whether you are able to stay with friends or family).
To access Emergency accommodation, you will need to apply for Housing Assistance or call 020 8937 2000.
You can apply to any local authority and you will not be referred back to your local authority of residence if there is a risk of violence.
An alternative to being housed by the council is being placed in a refuge.
A women’s refuge is a safe house for women and children escaping domestic violence. The address is confidential, and no men are allowed in the building.
For contact information and availability:
- 24hr National Domestic Violence helpline 080 8200 0247
For men’s refuge spaces, visit Men's advice line, call 080 8801 0327 or email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
If you wish to remain in your own home
Sanctuary schemes can prevent homelessness by enabling victims to remain safely in their home where it is their choice, and it is safe to do so.
The scheme can provide enhanced security measures in the home which delay or prevent a perpetrator from gaining entry into and within a property and allow time for the police to arrive.
The Sanctuary Scheme can provide security even if you have moved from where the abuse occurred.
To access the Sanctuary Scheme, you will need to apply for Housing Assistance call 020 8937 2000.