Contemporary Textiles London is a group of around 25 London-based textile artists, with practices based originally in contemporary and modern quilting. The title ‘Freehand’ reflects the recent name change of the group from quilt to textiles, broadening the scope and literally allowing each member a freehand to produce a textile piece both enjoyable to produce and also celebrating their artistic skill, with some nod to their quilting roots.
Separately the group produced the ‘blue’ display, a set of tightly defined pieces, of equal size and colour, providing a panel which is considerably greater than the sum of its parts. The two displays express clearly and graphically the ethos of CTL: the synergy of the blue pieces and the diversity of the Freehand works are the dual aspects of a group where mutual support and close working are rewarded, whilst individual expression is strongly encouraged.
Members exhibiting are:
Amanda Ogden
Annie Folkard
Cathy Corbishley Michel
Connie Gilham
Dani Atkinson
Dianne Whyte
Helen Harris
Jane Munns
Jane Wray
Janet Beck
Jill Holden
Khurshid Bamboat
Lucy Poloniecka
Pauline Macauley
Rachel Tyndall
Sandra Grusd
Sarah Hibbert
Urszula Chojnacka
Valerie Huggins
Viv Philpot
Maggie Jarman
Nicqui Willis
Janine Pound
John Miller
Linda Seward