Sign up to airText to get air pollution alerts and health advice sent directly to your phone. It is a free service for all but it is particularly important for those who are most likely to be affected by air pollution. For example, if you have been diagnosed by your doctor with asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease, COPD or angina then you may benefit from this service.
Get air quality updates with airText
airTEXT is a free service that will let you know whenever air pollution levels are going to be high.
How to register
You can choose to receive the alerts by:
- text message to your mobile phone
- recorded voice message to your home phone
- email to your computer
Download the airText App to get regular alerts on your smart phone or device
Follow us on twitter: @airtext_BRENT
When you will receive messages
You will receive alerts when an episode of air pollution is expected. You are likely to receive around 45 alerts per year, depending on air pollution levels. Air pollution levels tend to rise on hot, sunny days in summer and cold, still days in winter.
Once air pollution levels increase, they often remain high for two or three days. We call this a pollution episode. You will get a message for each day that the pollution episode lasts. Once the messages stop it means that pollution levels are forecast to be low again.
What to do when you receive an alert
Each alert will contain brief information about symptoms and health advice. There are a number of simple steps you can take to reduce the effect of pollution on you. These include taking your inhaler or angina spray with you, taking extra doses of your medication if your symptoms worsen, and avoiding strenuous outdoor activity.