In October 2023 Brent Council’s Cabinet approved the School Place Planning Strategy 2024-2028. The strategy outlined the projected need for school places in Brent together with the objectives and operating principles which would underpin the Council’s approach to school organisation.
As the champion for all children and young people in the borough, Brent Council has statutory duties to promote the wellbeing, safety and achievement of its children and to promote high standards that help all children to fulfil their potential. Brent Council also holds the statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places for Brent children.
This strategy sets out how we will deliver sufficient school places in the context of the Council’s statutory duties, ensuring that school place delivery supports the achievement of the best outcomes for Brent children while also focusing on planning for the sufficiency of places and the sustainability of schools, based on varying demand patterns impacting on school planning areas in Brent.
The Brent School Place Planning Strategy 2024 - 2028 sets the following expectations:
- All Brent schools are good or outstanding.
- Children are able to access education close to home.
- Brent net exportation of secondary school pupils reduces over the duration of this strategy to 25%.
- An increase in local SEND places in the borough will lead to a reduction in the use of out-of-borough placements and placements in independent non-maintained special schools.
- The take up rate of free childcare entitlements in the borough increases over the course of the strategy to 70% for two-year-olds and 80% for 3 and 4-year-olds.
The School Place Planning Strategy is refreshed annually.