Due to the high demand for school places in Brent, you should only make an application if you will be able to take up the offer of a place immediately.
You can choose up to six school preferences. You must list them in the order you want them. If we can offer you more than one school we will make only one offer at the highest-ranked of these school.
It will normally take up to 20 working days to process your application and at busy times of year it may take longer. If you have not had a letter advising you of the outcome of your application after 20 working days please email school.admissions@brent.gov.uk for an update.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan you must contact the Special Educational Needs 0-25 Team directly on 020 8937 3229.
For a school place at an independent or private school, you will need to apply directly to the school(s) you are interested in. More information can be obtained from the Independent Schools Council (ISC).
You will need to check whether you need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for the school/s you apply for. All voluntary aided (faith) schools need a SIF which must be returned to the school.
The address used to process the application will be the address where the parent and child normally live and they must be living there at the time of application. Changes of address will only be considered after applicants are resident at the new address and evidence to demonstrate this has been supplied. Applications will not be processed from an intended future address except in the case of Crown servants and UK service personnel.
Admission of one child to a primary school does not give a right of admission for brothers or sisters, if places are not available for all at the same time.
We operate an 'In Year Fair Access Protocol'. This means that children who do not have a school place are prioritised over children waiting to transfer between schools. Children who are removed from school purely to secure another school place will not be prioritised under the protocol.
If a school that you have requested is not able to offer a place and your child/children are out of school, we will try to offer you a place at the nearest school to your home with a vacancy at the time. This may not be the school nearest to your home. However if we offer you a school place (even when it was not one of your preferred schools) your application will not automatically be included on any waiting lists and you must request to remain on waiting lists by completing the change of circumstances form on the Brent website at submit your changes online It is important that you let us know immediately if any details of your application have changed (e.g. your address)
Waiting list positions can move up and down and are not related to the date of application or how long the child has been on the list. Waiting lists are ranked in accordance with the school’s over-subscription criteria. Waiting lists for Brent schools will be refreshed for the start of each academic year. This will affect Brent schools for whom the local authority coordinates In Year applications.
Waiting lists are ranked in the priority given in the admissions arrangements. Places are offered from the waiting lists as they become available throughout the year.
It is our responsibility to provide your child with a suitable school place within a reasonable distance from your home. Please note that this may not be one of your preferred schools.
If you would like your child to attend a school outside London Borough of Brent, you will need to contact the borough the school is located in.