Children and young people with SEND may need support with emotional health and wellbeing at some time.
This could be for feelings of anxiety, depression or for an eating disorder. If you are worried, look for more help. Any professional working with children and young people should know what to do such as a GP, teacher, SENCO or health visitor.
To help, there is a wide range of support out there.
This includes:
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) - which works with children and young people up to the age of 18 in Brent with complex mental health difficulties
- Wellbeing and Emotional Support Team (WEST) - a targeted mental health service for vulnerable children and young people aged from 4 to 18 years old (up to 25 for people with SEND)
- Kooth - free anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service tailored to young people
- Brent Centre for Young People - a mental health charity for young people offering specialised treatment in the areas of suicide prevention, tackling self-harm, eating disorders, exam anxiety and more
- Hestia Cove - The service offer free mental health support for individuals aged 16+. They offer advice, one-to-one support, Group activities, drop-ins when in crisis and more.
Our Preparing for Adulthood website has more information on this support, as well as details of other help and advice available.