You can use our Childcare directory to find childcare providers in your local area, including those with vacancies.
Use the directory to select the type, location and nature of childcare you are looking for.
You can use our Childcare directory to find childcare providers in your local area, including those with vacancies.
Use the directory to select the type, location and nature of childcare you are looking for.
If you are having problems finding the right childcare provider for your child, our Children and Families Information Service may be able to help.
We can ring nurseries, childminders and out-of-school childcare providers on your behalf to find vacancies based on your budget and location.
Email the Children and Families Information Service:
If you cannot find childcare due to shift work and unusual working hours, you may have the right to request flexible working hours if you have a child under six years old (or 18 if the child has a disability covered under this scheme).
The Working Families website is a charity that provides up-to-date advice for parents and carers on how to request flexible working.
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
For children and families social services (including child protection)
Phone: 020 8937 4300
Children and Families Information Service (CFIS)
Brent Civic Centre
Engineers Way
Wembley, HA9 0FJ