If you provide gambling facilities, you may need three different types of licence - an operating licence, a personal licence and a premises licence.
More about this licence
We issue premises licences for the following premises:
- Betting Shops
- Adult Gaming Centres
- Family Entertainment Centres
- Bingo Halls
- Racing Tracks
- Casinos.
In addition to your application form you also need to:
- provide two sets of plans of the premises (the plan should show basic information about the situation/layout of the premises)
- provide the appropriate fee
- notify all responsible authorities
- Advertise your application.
How to advertise your application
All applications must be advertised in order to allow local residents and businesses to review your proposals and make a representation if they wish.
There are two ways in which you must advertise your premises licence notice by:
- displaying a statutory notice at your premises for 28 consecutive days, starting on the day after you submitted your application - this notice must be printed on blue paper and be displayed clearly at all times
Download the public notice advertising template (.pdf, 114.1kB)(.pdf, 23.3kB) - publishing a single public notice in a local newspaper (Wembley Observer, Kilburn Times or Willesden and Brent Times) within 10 working days of submitting your application
Download the media notice template (.pdf, 68.0kB)(.pdf, 68.0kB)
Failure to advertise your application in accordance with the legal requirements will invalidate your application. It could mean that you have to start the entire application process again.
There is a 28-day period during which any representations in respect of the application may be made. This is from when an application is made for a new licence, or to vary or review an existing licence. Representations may support or oppose the application.