A Body of Persons Approval (BOPA) allows groups and organisations to have an overall licence for their performance. This means you do not need a licence for each individual child.
All performances must comply with the law.
You must apply at least 21 days before the first performance. However, workload permitting, we may be able to issue a licence within 10 working days. Please email us at child.employment@brent.gov.uk to ask if this is possible before submitting your application.
The criteria for a Body of Persons Approval are:
- The organisation must have complied with licensing and performance regulations and have been in contact with the Child Employment team.
- All performances and rehearsals must take place in the area covered by London Borough of Brent.
- Performances and rehearsals must take place outside of school hours.
- The organisation must have a child safeguarding policy.
Apply for BOPA
You will need to complete a BOPA application by following the procedure below: